What is Title 24

What is Title 24

Created in 1978 by the California Building standards Commission in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California’s energy consumption. Title 24 utilizes energy efficient technologies to provide California with an adequate, reasonably priced, environmentally sound supply of energy.

2013 Standards

The 2013 standards took effect on July 1st, 2014, and are estimated to increase the energy efficiency of commercial buildings by 30%. This is achieved through the use of more comprehensive lighting controls and the requirement for acceptance testing to ensure lighting systems are operating properly.

California’s driving innovation through adopting new requirements towards energy efficiency every three years. By embracing the Green initiative and implementing lighting controls, a number of benefits are realized.

Pie Chart


  • California’s per capita electricity use is about 40% lower
  • Lower energy costs
  • Reliable electrical services
  • Improves comfort and employee moral
  • Reduces impact to the environment

“Blue area represents 30% energy savings through lighting controls”

What is acceptance testing?

Acceptance Testing is one part of a multi-stage compliance program. The tests are conducted by certified Lighting Control Acceptance Test Technicians to verify the Title 24 installation requirements are met and the installed equipment and lighting systems operate properly.

What projects require acceptance testing?

-All new construction

-Construction in an existing space

-Lighting Retrofits


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